Thursday, February 27, 2020

Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Case Management of Term Paper

Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Case Management of Hispanics - Term Paper Example This topic is being considered in the hope of establishing a clear understanding of the applicability of complementary and alternative medicine in the management of illnesses among the Hispanic population. Concept Complementary and alternative medicine is defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2011) as a diverse and varied medical and health systems and practices which are not normally considered part of conventional or standard medical practice. It is not as widely accepted as conventional medicine, but some of its applications have already been accepted as effective treatments and have therefore formed part of generally applied medicine. Complementary medicine is medicine which is included and used together with conventional medicine (NCCAM, 2011). Alternative medicine, on the other hand is used in place of conventional medicine; in most instances, as the sole treatment, without integration of conventional medicine techniques. CAM includes a wide range of ancient and new-age techniques which claim to treat and to prevent the onset of illness (Barnes,, 2008). In the strictest sense, CAM is not a part of conventional medicine because there is still inadequate proof for its safe and effective use in healthcare. As a result, judgment for the use of these techniques is largely based on discretion and evidence-based support. In general, individuals utilizing CAM are finding ways to improve their overall physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being (Astin,, 2000). Moreover, they often turn to CAM to seek relief from a terminal or chronic illness or from the side-effects of their conventional treatment. Furthermore, they consider CAM as a means of establishing a holistic and transformative management of their body and all its issues (Institute of Medicine, 2005). CAM practitioners often attempt to treat not only the physical chemical symptoms of the disease, but also the psychological, emotional, and mental i mpact of the illness. Most patients availing of this treatment consider it as a means of complementing their conventional medicine management; seldom is it used as an alternative form of treatment (Barnes,, 2008). Based on a National Health Interview survey (2002), about a third of adults use atleast one form of CAM. Usual CAM therapies include non-mineral natural products, meditation, yoga, massage, deep-breathing exercises, and diet-based therapies (Barnes,, 2002). In the past, CAM has often been used to relieve back aches, headaches, chest colds, neck pain, joint stiffness, and anxiety. Although much less common, the use of these forms of treatment has also been prevalent in the management of symptoms for cancer, lung diseases, and cardiovascular infection (Mao,, 2007). Its use has also been common among women and among adults with higher educational qualifications, including adults who have been suffering from one or two health issues requiring multiple medi cal consults in a year (Nahin,, 2007). CAM techniques are often categorized into different classifications. One of its categories includes natural products. These natural produces are popularly known as herbal medicines, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements (NCCAM, 2011). Probiotics or

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Racism in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Racism in America - Essay Example Therefore, racism respites on a pedestal of discrepancy worth of human beings and the authenticity of imbalanced behavior in accordance to supposed dominance and lowliness. (Johnson) America's Viewpoint towards Racism The issue of "Racism" is a threat which has weighed down USA all through its subsistence as a supreme country. (Johnson) In years subsequent the zenith of the "Civil Rights movement" of the 60's this threat has both augmented and retreated. (Johnson) In the United States of America, race beliefs commenced budding in the late 17th century, in combination with the lawful establishment of slavery for Africans and in the 18th century it eventuated in 3 main groups that were approximately definite and categorized i.e. "European Whites, Native Americans [Indians], and "Negroes" from Africa." (Ma) Regardless of lawful and societal endeavors to ban intermarriage or inter-mating, a number of genetic mixture still transpires. In retort, the United States resorted to a law to aid conserve the uniqueness of the "White/Black racial" as well as societal dichotomy. (Johnson) North Americans characterize anybody as "Black" who comprises African ancestors, an observable fact identified and introduced by historians over half a century back as the "one drop rule". (Ma) There is no communally endorsed in-between cataloging, albeit the census of 2000-01 allowed individuals to recognize two or more racial heritages. In the year 1940, the South Africa due to its chronological causes formed an outsized middle group of class so that basically three more or less elite races were recognized in law and every year, a governmental board was set to assess racial personalities and... This essay not only discusses the present situation with racism in the U.S., but also tries to develop the successful strategy for prevention of racism. These issues by the majority of close â€Å"black-white† acquaintances indicates that the sore and explosive severance have continued to persist among black and white Americans. The fact that this essay presents of both these authenticities highlights the requirement to publicly converse about the racism and its affects, rather than to overlook them. The essay also highlights the fundamental relationship among racial fascination and color-blindness. As a substitute of representing a turn down in the significance of race, the color-blind philosophy concurrently obfuscates and supports the American obsession on race. It is an undeniable fact that racism still exists in the United States of America. Over the centuries, the viewpoint of American whites for diversified races had not changed, making it difficult to fill the gaps bet ween populace. American people’s obsession with ethnic classifications is a consequence of that differentiation and not an origin of it. There is an intense need to raise the level of awareness and stop discriminating people on behalf of their culture and race. However, the last presidential elections were won by the â€Å"Barack Hussein Obama,† a black man, lighting the torch of hope that the ice of hatred between white and blacks have started to melt and in modern America the people are judged by their qualifications and talents and not by their race.