Sunday, December 29, 2019

Since The Legalization Of Abortion In 1973 In The Us, The

Since the legalization of abortion in 1973 in the US, the practice has been considered a to be a medical procedure. Since then, 1.6 Million abortion procedures are done each year in the United States alone. Abortion was made legal as an effect of the feminist movement that clamored autonomy over the woman’s ability to procreate. C. Tietze published a book on abortion in 1981. The book provides an overview of the status of abortion. The researcher collated international data on abortion that encompasses public health, demographic, and policy points of view. Tietze’s work provided extensive tabulations of statistical data while discussing abortion laws and other policies. Tietze also provided demo graph characteristics such as residence,†¦show more content†¦The researcher concludes this due to the presence of moral and ethical implications that go hand in hand with abortion. Objective The research aims to provide an overview of the effects of abortion on mental health. This methodological review also aims to gather ample data sources that provide contrasting research on abortion in relation to its effects on mental health. The research also aims to provide a non-biased data that will allow readers to determine the effects of abortion. Data Source For the research to achieve the objectives of the research review, the researcher scouted for reliable sources that are available online. These written works encompass online journals, editorials, and joint research. Online journals produced by Brenda Major, PhD, et al., and Nancy Adler, et al. The research is also extended to online articles form Time Magazine, and BBC which are considered credible news sites. The researcher also included impressive data gathered by who have tabulated the risks of mental health implications of abortion. Data gathered from the journal of Planned Parenthood Federation of America was also consulted by the researcher. As mentioned above, initial research by C. Tietze was also included. The reason behind the choice of data sources are the diversity of research data gathered. As the researcher aimed to provide a non-biased review thatShow MoreRelatedThe Pregnancy Of The United States928 Words   |  4 PagesAbortions in the United States Many of us have heard of abortions, but do we truly know what an abortion really is? We know that when a woman has an abortion she basically extracts the fetus by any means but I’m sure a lot of us don’t know the different procedures to do such act. There are different methods to end a pregnancy based on the gestation time. One of the methods is to take a pill named RU486 which causes the baby to starve as the pill causes the nutrients to be blocked and soon afterRead MoreIs Abortion A Bad Thing? Essay1488 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion, a strong word that has multiple meanings. In a room full of people when this word is mentioned it quickly brings attention to the speaker. Different opinions and different beliefs is something that will always be a problem when it comes to this topic. Although many people believe abortion is a bad thing, there will always be the other half of the people that believe abortion isn’t good, but it might be the safest way to go. In ad dition more than 750,000 teenagers become pregnant every yearRead MoreRoe Vs. Wade : The Legalization Of Abortion1753 Words   |  8 PagesRoe vs. Wade: The Legalization of Abortion Abortion has always been considered a controversial issue in America. When it comes to abortion there are and there will continue to be many different views about the moral acceptance and the social political sides of abortion. Therefore when the Roe vs. Wade decision was announced on January 22, 1973, it was received with a lot of controversy from the public. The Roe vs. Wade case is known to be the case that legalized abortion in the U.S. Before theRead MoreEssay on Legality of Abortion1545 Words   |  7 Pagescontinuously fight for or against, abortion may very well be the issue that Americans are most passionate about. The abortion issue is in the forefront of political races. Most recently the â€Å"no taxpayer funding for abortion act†, has abortion advocates reeling. Even though abortion has been legal in every state in the United States since the monumental Supreme Court decision, â€Å"Roe v Wade†, on January 22, 1973; there are fewer physicians willing to p erform abortions today than in 2008. (Kraft) At theRead MoreEssay on Abortion: A Womans Right to Choose1174 Words   |  5 Pagesthe life of a child without allowing it to even be born has been one of the most controversial topics for centuries. Abortion is the term used to identify the act of intentionally interrupting pregnancy and not allowing the embryo (first stage of development) or fetus (eight weeks and on) to continue its normal process. Each woman has different reasons to decide to commit abortion and is either willing to put an end to their child’s life or permit it to live, even if it is unwanted. If it’s rightRead More Abortion Must be Illegal Essay1721 Words   |  7 PagesOliver Wendell Holmes was born on March 8, 1941 and died on March 6, 1935. He was a vigorous political figure during his life time. He served as associate justice in the US Supreme Court from 1905 to1982. He was a great political philosopher of his days and his ideas are still rememb ered. According to Holmes, â€Å"the nature of legal language can obscure and hide the social interests and social advantages to some that a law promotes.† Holmes view about legal language is that law promotes social goodnessRead MoreAbortion Is Wrong Or Not? Essay1598 Words   |  7 Pagesthe issue of abortion over many of years. Religion, moral beliefs, choice, pro-life, conception, ect, are major themes introduced during arguments regarding whether abortion is wrong or not. In 1973, in the case of Roe v. Wade abortion was legalized at the federal level, but ultimately it was left up to the states to choose how they wanted to oversee abortion laws. The state of New Jersey has a proposed a new law â€Å"S2026: â€Å"Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,† which bans abortion 20 weeks or moreRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal Or Illegal?1940 Words   |  8 PagesIn America, the argument about whether abortion should be legal or illegal has last for more a century. Aborti on was illegal since late 1800s. However, after U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Roe v. Wade in 1973, abortion became legal in America (Shaw Lee, 2015). Sadly, the controversy about whether abortion should be allowed wasn’t eliminated but intensified at some degree since 1973. For example, strong oppositions against abortion still remain after Supreme Court’s decision. Many statesRead Moreranscendentalists Emerson and Thoreau, Recognize the Value of Human Life599 Words   |  3 PagesThe Transcendentalists, Emerson and Thoreau, believed in a philosophy that valued life and recognized the importance of the human person. They understood that every person has worth and a part to contribute to the world. Abortion, the intended killing of a human life, goes against everything these great men practiced and believed. Man can comprehend this through the use of our own individual intuition and moral courage. The term Transcendentalist describes a group of people who came up with a newRead MoreAbortion, Pro Choice And Pro Life1536 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion is one of the most debatable subjects in the United States. It is one of the touchiest subjects of our time primarily due to widely varying beliefs concerning the exact moment at which â€Å"life† actually begins. There are many points of view toward abortion but the only two fine distinctions are pro-choice and pro-life.† As expected, there are many people against abortion, these people are better referred to as pro-life advocates,† they advocate the life of the baby over the woman s right

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Margaret Sanger A Birth Control Activist - 1508 Words

Margaret Sanger was not only a birth control activist, she was also an author, a nurse and a sex educator and many of her influences for being an activist come from her family. Born on September 14, 1879, in Corning, New York, she was the sixth of eleven children born into a poor Roman Catholic family (Sanger 14). Her mother had various miscarriages, which Sanger believed affected her mother’s health, and was a devoted Roman Catholic who believed one should conform to the rules while her father was a free thinker who supported women’s suffrage. Sanger attended Claverack College and Hudson River Institute in 1896 and went to study nursing at White Plains Hospital four years later (51). She later married an architect by the name of William Sanger in 1902 and had three children, one of which, her daughter, Peggy, later passed at age five (86). In 1914, however, the couple separated, then divorced in 1921 and a year later Margaret Sanger married an oil magnate by the name o f James Henry Noah Slee until 1943 when he passed away. Sanger was always an advocate for birth control, she was an activist her entire life and wanted to help women have their rights. The Birth Control Movement began around 1910 and Sanger was instrumental in the legalization of it. Margaret Sanger devoted her life to help make women’s contraception legal and didn’t stop despite all the obstacles in her way and she faced many consequences because of this. Margaret Sanger took a stand for women s rights byShow MoreRelatedMargaret Sanger s The Most Merciful Thing That A Family725 Words   |  3 Pages February 9, 2016 Period 4 Margaret Sanger â€Å"The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.† Sanger was against abortion she believed it was an evil practice they did on women. Margret Sanger was an American birth control activist, sex educator, writer, and nurse. Sanger popularized the term birth control, opened the first birth control clinic in the United States, and established organizations that evolved intoRead MoreMargaret Sanger s Stand Up For Birth Control Rights1513 Words   |  7 Pagesgiving birth multiple times and you are desperate to know of a way to prevent yourself from having more children. This was the exact case for millions of women in the twentieth century. Women had no rights as a person, nor did they have any rights to their own bodies. In this era, the topics of sexuality, sex and birth control were all taboo subject matters and never discussed between married or unmarried couples. It wasn’t until the year of 1912 that a woman by the name of Ma rgaret Sanger startedRead MoreMargaret Higgins Sange : A Birth Control Activist729 Words   |  3 PagesMargaret Louise Higgins, who later became Margaret Higgins Sange, was born on September 14, 1879 In Corning, New York. She was a birth control activist,nurse, and sex educator. Margaret’s parents were Michael Hennessey Higgins, an Irish stonemason and Anna Purcell a catholic Irish-American. Margaret’s mother Anne and her family immigrated to canada when she was young. Margaret’s father Michael moved to America and enlisted into the US army during the Civil War at the age of15. Margaret’s father wasRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Margaret H. Sanger s The Children s Era992 Words   |  4 PagesA Rhetorical Analysis of Margaret H. Sanger’s â€Å"The Children’s Era† Speech â€Å"Before you can cultivate a garden, you must know something about gardening.† This quote is from Margaret Sanger’s â€Å"The Children’s Era† speech given in 1925. Sanger believed that nurturing children is an art and has to be done properly in order for the children to be successful. In this illuminating speech, Margaret Sanger illustrated the lack of birth control options and overpopulation of unwanted children in order to persuadeRead MoreMargaret Sanger s Revolution For Women s Rights1716 Words   |  7 PagesMargaret Sanger’s Revolution for Women’s Rights Today the world’s population consists of more than seven billion people living on Earth, half of which are of men and the other half women. Now imagine living in a world where those seven billion people didn’t have rights connected to their own bodies. In the field of reproductive rights, imagine if there was no form of contraceptives, birth control, or any type of sexual education information to the public. The world would be in shambles being over-populatedRead MoreMargaret Sanger And Birth Control1060 Words   |  5 PagesMargaret Sanger, Also known for being a feminist and womens rights activist, and coined birth control to become legalised. Margaret started her mission to legalise birth control in 1916, she was know as a racist for the reason she wanted to have birth control was to â€Å"get rid of black babies†, but she had also believed in womens rights. In a 1921 article, she wrote that, â€Å"the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourag e the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective.† whichRead MoreAnalysis Of The Right To Ones Body By Margaret Sanger911 Words   |  4 PagesJake Siford History 1152 Professor Graves 4 November 2017 Primary Source Review #3 Margret Sanger, writer of the essay â€Å"The Right to One’s Body† will be the author for this primary review. Sanger, as described by, was â€Å"†¦ an early feminist and women’s rights activist who coined the term ‘birth control’ and worked towards its legalization† (â€Å"Margaret Sanger†). Margret was also responsible for the creation of the first planned parenthood center, and later was a founding member of theRead MoreThe History Of Nursing Practice1613 Words   |  7 Pages which is exactly what Margaret Sanger’s focused on in her works. Margaret is the definition of nursing and is an inspirational model and leader to female nurses in addition to females in general through her works thus is the reason we choose her as our focal point for our essay. Margaret Sanger was a nurse working in New York with immigrant families and underprivileged women trying to educate them about sex and their sexual freedom. She was an advocate for birth control so she started a columnRead MoreProgression Of Women s Rights1229 Words   |  5 Pagesfocused on many different issues and tried to mend the corruption relating to that specific topic. Women’s rights was a huge problem during this time, and two specific reformers tried to solve the problem. Progressive era reformers, Alice Paul and Margaret Sanger tackled the problem of women’s rights in similar ways. The Gilded Age caused many different problems, such as: corrupt business practices, workers rights, poverty, consumer protection, environmental protection, political corruption, ethnic issuesRead MoreMargaret Sanger s The First Birth Control Movement1288 Words   |  6 PagesMargaret Sanger revolutionized the world in a important way. Margaret Sanger was known for leading the birth control movement. She financed the research needed to develop â€Å"the pill†, an easy form of birth control that women could take themselves. She also founded the Planned Parenthood Federation Of America continuing her legacy of authoritative work to allow parenthood and birth control to be much easier. Margaret Sanger left a legacy of leading the birth control movement. Margaret Sanger was born

Friday, December 13, 2019

M Analysis Free Essays

string(201) " stretch the company brand, for  example he considered selling food online as part of a plan to become a multi-channel retailer, this was obviously to keep up with the competitive market such as Asda\." Introduction Marks Spencer is a British retailer with over 800 stores in more than 30 countries around the world. It is the largest clothing retailer in the UK, as well as being a food retailer. Most of its domestic stores sell both clothing food, and since the year  2000 Marks Spencer have started to expand into other ranges such as home wares, furniture technology. We will write a custom essay sample on M Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Marks Spencer became the first British retailer to make a pre-tax profit of over ?   billion â€Å"BBC News online 1998† Though a few years later Marks Spencer were hit  by the â€Å"credit crunch† which has had a dramatic effect on the company as they struggle in the current economical climate. MS is a successful company. In macro-environment, MS obeys the government and protects the natural environment. Moreover, MS is influenced by the factors of economic, social, and technological to make its business strategies. On the other hand, in micro-environment, the MS has created a good and long-term relationship with the suppliers and customers. From the SWOT analysis, the most important factor for MS is to satisfy customer needs. On the other hand, the main disadvantage is the lack of clothing market segmentation that causes MS to lose its brand awareness among the existing customers. The significant strategies of MS are creating potential customers and maintaining the existing customers. To sum up, the analysis of MS has found that its business structures follow the trend of society, keep the position in the market, and increase its potential market share. Mission The mission of the MS is to make as high quality accessible to all. Marks Spencer is a leading British retailer of clothing, food and household goods. They prefer to call themselves â€Å"Marks Spencer,† using an ampersand instead of the word â€Å"and. † Their logo is a style form of the characters â€Å"MS. † They have a â€Å"Plan A† for tackling environmental issues â€Å"because there is no plan B. † MS outlines its core business as clothing and Food. Its’ financial objectives is to deliver shareholder value in terms of increase returns, but also in terms of increase sales and market share in retailing. It beliefs and values are outlined as â€Å"Our customers continue to see Marks Spencer as the place to shop for special food, produced to exacting standards†. MS also sees its workforce as an important part of its plan and also considers modern its stores as a key corporate objective. Vision The vision of the MS is to be the standard against which all others are measured. They sells clothes, food and home wares at more than 650 stores in Britain and about 300 shops abroad, said it expected to achieve annual benefits of around 250 million pounds by 2015-2016 from upgrading its supply chain and information technology systems. They will supply chain and IT improvements. The improvements will include shrinking the firm’s network of 100 warehouses, which are run by third parties, to just four. And also to revamp its website and said it would expand its business abroad, including at least 50 stores in India over five years. They have established a long-term vision for where we want to take the business which they believe will create long-term sustainable growth. At the heart of this vision is moving the business from being product focused, store centric and UK dominated to being customer focused, multi-channel and international. M would conduct a review of its UK store network in the light of fast-growing online retail sales, with future new store likely to be offset at least in part by closures. They plan to cutting prices, stepping up promotions and introducing new products, add 800 new lines to sustain the recent improvement, including extending a trial to sell a small number of brands. They think the strong growth potential in children swear and footwear as well as home wares. PESTLE Political Factors The government sets regulations for companies to abide by such as Health Safety British Standards such as, planning for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk  control. If companies do not abide by these regulations they will be fined or even in some cases be forced to close down. Marks Spencer did not abide by the British Standards as they were charged for neglecting health safety regulations after a door  fell on an employee. George Blair was allegedly injured after a warehouse door in their store near Glasgow was left hanging on loose fixtures. Marks are alleged to have ignored repair requests, allowing the door to fall in to disrepair. Marks Spencer pled not guilty to this; there is still no outcome of this trial. Also according to â€Å"BBC News 30th January 2006† Marks Spencer would be the first major retailer to go down the Fair-trade route on both clothing and food. The fair-trade policy, which they have launched will include, cut salt and fat in M foods, recycled packaging and animal welfare protection. Marks Spencer Chief Stuart Rose stated, â€Å"Customers want good value, but they care more than ever how food and clothing products are made†. Economical Factors Currently the economic outlook is very uncertain and this is more than likely to affect retail sales, as people do not have the spare cash to spend on luxury items such as clothing and food luxuries. Marks Spencer have been hit by this and have recently closed a number of stores and have had to make job cuts of 2% of their 70,000 staff. And also to show what affect the recession has had, they took the decision to have two days of 20% discounts in the run-up to Christmas. They have also recently introduced a 20% of all Wine and Champagne to keep up with their competitors. Marks Spencer have had to change the way they market themselves so that they can try and stay ahead of the recession. Sociological factors In the last few years society has changed. In 2006 as stated by the Guardian, Chief  Executive of Marks Spencer Stuart Rose wanted to stretch the company brand, for  example he considered selling food online as part of a plan to become a multi-channel retailer, this was obviously to keep up with the competitive market such as Asda. You read "M Analysis" in category "Essay examples" Asda and Marks Spencer appeal to different markets in terms of social class and other demographics; this has a major influence on the way they respond to current issues. In response to the current cheap clothing industry supermarkets have increasingly over the last few years caught up with fashion trends, helping them to rival the high street clothing stores with their less expensive versions. Marks Spencer is no exception to this and they have bought their clothing ranges up to date to keep up with the latest trends and to keep their customers interested. Consumer purchases are influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological characteristics. For the most  part, marketers cannot control such factors, but they must take them into account. Technological Factors Technology is vital in the retail market. Companies must manage their brand scare. First the brands position must be continuously communicated to consumers. Major brand marketers often spend huge amounts on advertising to create brand awareness and to build preference and loyalty. For Marks Spencer to continuously communicate to consumers they need to be heavily into advertising, which they are. They have Celebrity icon Class as the Face of Marks Spencer who appears on the adverts on the TV and she is also on their website model the M clothing, so their adverts appeal to women not only in their 20’s but also to the more mature lady so they are covering all areas with their advertising campaign. Also their  website is very appealing with bright and very easy to use, it is also constantly updated with the new M brands. Legal Factors Legislations are always changing. Marks and Spencer carry out re-training update every year, they keep up to date with new laws or legislations, and with issues regarding Health Safety they also ensure that their legal protection is updated. For  re-training Marks Spencer invite business changes to the business, tax changes to the business products changes amongst many other things. Marks Spencer invite objectives/methods that need to be changed and new training, and also on going development. An example of legislation is the â€Å"Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (1996) – Provided for the regulation of packaging and labeling of consumer goods. Requires that manufacturers state what the package contains, who made it, and how much it contains†. Here is an example from Marks Spencer’s website to show that they are adhere to this legislation, â€Å"Packaging helps to protect the product between being produced and used by the customer. It prevents product wastage, carries important instructions and information on ingredients and helps the product look its best in the store†. Environmental Factors With the current environmental climate as it stands, issues are being promoted daily on the television, in magazines and newspapers and on the radio. All companies, industries and organizations are being pressured to change their ways when it comes to the materials they use and how they manufacture. Marks Spencer have established their own Green Policy which they call â€Å"Plan A† The chief executive of  Marks Spencer states that it is called this because there is no â€Å"Plan B†. Marks has today announced a 100-point five-year plan to re-engineer itself to become a carbon neutral, zero-waste-to-landfill, ethical-trading, sustainable-sourcing, health-promoting business SWOT 3. 1 Strengths 3. 1. 1 High Quality High quality is the major strength that makes M successful. Customers always find high quality goods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and other superior goods in M food hall (Ciao, 2002). With many people turning to eat vegetarian meals. M grasps the consumers need. M has high quality of products that are the food and other products, such as baby products and women under wears. 3. 1. 2 Customer Services M has high reputation for focusing on customer service. (Christie, 2002). This is one of the most important methods to make a good relationship between customers and M. For example, when women want to buy under wears for themselves, the shop assistants will help them to measure sizes and give them good suggestions. 3. 1. 3 Shopping Environment M tries to make customers feel more convenient and comfortable. It makes stores brighter, and uses modern designs (Rung 2001). All goods in the shop can be seen immediately. Furthermore, customers do not worry about being drowned in many shelves and avoiding multitudinous people. 3. 1. 4 Manager Training One of M strengths is its strict and excellent manager training system (Retail Technology,1999). Every manager of M must be familiar with duty of every post. In fact, managers of M are arranged practice of every post. It helps them to improve both work experiences and management skills. 3. 2 Weakness 3. 2. 1 Clothing Lack Segmentation The clothing market of M has many segments. In fact, especially ladies outer wear, is outmoded design and cut. In addition, affluent younger consumers prefer purchasing brand-labels, such as Gap, Next and Top shop (Jobber, 2001: 149). 3. 2. 2 Stock Control The non-performance of the home delivery/shopping service even sometimes involves wedding lists. Customers were told that items were out of stock (Jobber, 2001). Customers complain the defect of e-shopping and delivery services. To some extent, M suffers from the unbalance between the stock and Information Technology System. 3. 2. 3 Waste Store Spaces Another problem is that M has many store spaces. In fact, it has added 75 percent of square foot age since the early Eighties, but its market share in clothing has not increased (Stewart, 2000). M needs to find some new products to stuff its extra spaces. 3. 3 Opportunities 3. 3. 1 Internet Technology Internet technology has developed fast, it offers an opportunity to increase the demand for the online products (Zakon, 1999). In terms of this circumstance, buying products online became a new trend. Customers are getting used to accept the model and adapt it to their daily lives, and the demand for this kind of products would be increased in the future. 3. 3. 2 Healthy Eating Healthy eating offers an opportunity that the demand of specific food will be increased (Leyshon, 2002). People pay attention to the life quality, they request companies to offer varied products to satisfy their needs. For example, in the food market, M does good segmentation in providing the vegetarian, low fat or organic food. This is the advantage that the competitors have not aware of it. 3. 3. 3 Marketing Extending The Company owned stores in the Republic of Ireland and Hong Kong and has 131 franchise stores in28 countries operating through a network of successful partnerships (Marks Spencer, 2002d). In the future, the company will expand its business beyond the existing area. 3. 4 Threats Although M has its own strengths, opportunities and weaknesses, it still occurs some threats from itself and other competitors. . 4. 1 Strong Competitors Strong competitors are the most threat to M. For example, in the food market, there are four main supermarkets, such as Tesco, Asda, Safeway and Sainsbury (Oct, 2002). They provide not only high quality but also value-added products to build customers loyalty. In the clothing market, Gap, Next, Topshop and other fashionable brands may compete with M (M shu ts, 2001). 3. 4. 2 The Change of Social Environment Except other competitors, M will be influenced by social environment. Since the social environment changes at any time, the customer tastes are also changed. For example, people move to other countries, and their culture will affect the local people lifestyles, such as eating, and dressing. M can adjust its products to satisfy different needs. 3. 4. 3 Chemical Pollution Environment pollution is a threat for M. An environmental systems manager of M claimed. Every one of the 30,000 product line that M sells is dependent on chemicals (Friend of the Earth,2002). Governments are taking measures to protect natural environment and reduce pollution. This potential risk will affect its development of M in the future. Invest strategy Focusing on improving its operations to save costs, expanding the options for customers to buy products – especially online – and driving its business outside of the U. K. The U. K. ‘s biggest department store operator told attendees at an investor day that was webcast on its website that it would improve its supply chain and implement new IT systems which would save it GBP250 million by 2015/2016 through capital expenditure over the same period of GBP1 billion. Some of those changes would include consolidating distribution sites which would mean further warehouse closures on top of the 21 already closed, sending products directly to the country of sale rather than routing everything through a central U. K. hub, and refreshing stock systems and data collection. The second stage of the company’s strategy calls its 2020 program. It is to offer more choice of when and how to buy M products, with online sales a particularly large growth area especially as more people turn to shopping on the Internet. Store sales are expected to shrink slightly by 2020 to GBP206 billion from GBP212 billion this year, while online sales are expected to almost triple to GBP57 billion in 2020 from GBP21 billion this year according to research by Verdict, Forrester and Javelin Group provided by M at its investor day. Marks Spencer aims to target some of its 8 million customers who shop online elsewhere but not at M. There is also an untapped 21. 5 million M customers who don’t shop online at all. The final plank in ITV’s strategy is to grow its international business which currently accounts for 15% of M profits through 296 international stores and its online presence. The growth is expected to come from increasing the group’s central and eastern European operations as well as building on its business in China and India. The company expects to open 50 stores in five years in India, and identify key regional growth areas in China where the company will focus on property, products and local sourcing. Marks Spencer unveiled its new strategy program under the banner â€Å"2020 Doing The Right Thing† in May, which received a lukewarm reception from investors. At the time, the retailer outlined its targets but gave few details on how exactly it would implement the plans. A bellwether for British consumer sentiment, Marks Spencer has been hit hard over the past 18 months by the economic downturn as shoppers either cut back spending on nonessential items or sought less expensive food and clothing elsewhere. As a result, the company has revamped its food offer and availability and introduced a budget range of grocery products. It has also cut capital spending, laid off 1,230 staff and closed some stores. At the start of the month, Marks Spencer reported better-than-expected fiscal second-quarter sales, buoyed by the introduction of less expensive food and revamped clothing and house ware ranges. Still, it cautioned that business will remain difficult well into next year due to the economic downturn. Second-quarter group sales rose 2. 7%, due to a 9. 6% rise in international sales and a 30% jump in online sales. The company also raised its outlook on annual profit margin thanks to better stock control, sourcing and supply chain management. Targeting strategy Targeting approach used by Marks Spencer (MS) is more multi segment targeting than a concentrated targeting approach. When we look at the segmentation statistics, middle aged women are the prime revenue generator for the company but even the 80% of customers who bring the 20% of sales according to the 80/20 Pareto’s rule can be developed to increase the sales. Therefore M has been more focused on targeting multi segments of people with good educational socio economic class and who some high income urban populations as well. M has been previously focusing on women gender only but now environmental variables are changing and M has entered into the men market with high quality products as well that has increased the brand image in the clothing and accessories industry. M cannot follow undifferentiated or differentiated approach as the product pricing techniques are such that it is targeted to limited segment of higher socio economic class, who have high demands and can afford luxury and pleasure easily. Positioning strategy M, as now has become an international brand, therefore the company needed to position its brand in variable manner. The promotion in South East Asia region needed to be very different from what it was positioned in Britain. The company has focused a few important parameters that lift the brand in clothing industry. M has positioned its clothing and accessories with relaxation and high quality, moreover when it comes to international market specially in India where people are more in lower socio economic class and the consumer purchasing power is not equal to other international markets where M has been making profits, therefore in such regions the company has also focused on flexible pricing strategies in order to retain and add new customers. The competitors of M in the international market are large in numbers and in order to be differentiated from the others the positioning strategy currently adopted by M is well suited to the situation. The comfort and quality has been a prime concern for the clothing industry and positioning the product with such parameters requires M to provide constant results on long term basis so that the company is able to build the brand equity and customer loyalty. Positioning is promises that a company makes to its consumers and fulfilling this promise is not only the toughest task but it also need great sacrifices and unpopular decisions at times. However it is fact that if the positioning of the brand is well justified by the company with sincerity the increase in customer level is significant. In the world of similar products and services retaining customers is not easy and therefore M as a brand has to strive harder to get to the top clothing positioning. Financial position |   |Notes |As at |As at | | | |3 April |3 April | | | |2011 |2010 | | | |? m |? | |Assets |   | |   | |Non-current assets |   |   |   | |Investments in Group undertakings |C5 |9,179. 8 |9,168. 6 | |Total assets |   |9,179. 8 |9,168. | |Liabilities |   |   |   | |Current liabilities |   |   |   | |Amounts owed to Group undertakings |   |2,591. 8 |2,603. 5 | |Total liabilities |   |2,591. 8 |2,603. | |Net assets |   |6,588. 0 |6,565. 1 | |Equity |   |   |   | |Ordinary share capital |   |396. 2 |395. 5 | |Share premium account |   |255. 2 |247. | |Capital redemption reserve |   |2,202. 6 |2,202. 6 | |Merger reserve |   |1,397. 3 |1,397. 3 | |Retained earnings |   |2,336. 7 |2,322. 2 | |Total equity |   |6,588. 0 |6,565. 1 | How to cite M Analysis, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Alwaleed Bin Talal’s Leadership free essay sample

Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is one of the world’s wealthiest investor and businessman. He has been able to gain connection in politics through entrepreneurship and international investments as an entrepreneur. He is a citizen of Lebanon and a member of the royal family, House of Saudi, in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Though not a member of the executive charged with ruling, he usually gets involved in politics of Lebanon for instance in the case of President Emile Lahoud against claims assassinating Lebanese billionaire Rafik Hariri and usually criticizes both local and international political issues in the media. He has so far been unsuccessful in his efforts to lead the Lebanese Sunni community. During Alwaleed’s early ages, his Father Prince Talal Abd al-Aziz, a known activist and modernizer, actively engaged in matters concerning the political issues that existed in the traditional governing system in Saudi Arabia in the early 1960s. He opposed Modern pan-Arabism that was led by the then leader of the United Arab Repulic, Jamal Gamal Abdel Nasser, which resulted to the suspension of his passport. He was forced to seek exile in Egypt. During this period, Alwaleed lived with his mother, Princess Muna al-Sulh who was the daughter of Riyadh al- Sulh, the first Prime Minister of the Independent Lebanon. In his early education, he attended elementary and middle schools in Beirut and returned to Lebanon in 1973 to attend King Abdul Aziz Military Academy to gain more discipline skills. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business administration from Menlo College California in 1979 and later enrolled for a masters Degree in Political Science from Syracuse University (Khan 2005). He rose to international fame in the early 1990s by purchasing a substantial amount of Citicorp shares when then firm was undergoing financial difficulties. He is an established investor and owns a chain of investments worldwide in the major industries such as banking, building and construction companies, telecommunications, broadcasting and media, entertainment, hospitality and involvement in charitable activities across many regions of the world. He also owns a lot of luxurious assets (Khan 2005). According to Machiavelli (2005) leadership qualities must be practical and not ideological in their application. In chapter 15 of The Prince, that leadership quality should be determined through consideration of personality traits, character and how a person conducts himself. A successful ruler must know when, where and in what way an upright person will act when confronted with different situations. Alwaleed has been able to demonstrate all these leadership qualities which are evident in the different criteria’s he employed in his investment activities throughout his life. He invested in shares of America’s Citicorp at the time when every investor was pulling out their capital from the firm and at a time when it neared its collapse due to bankruptcy, a decision that elicited mixed reactions across the world. Machiavelli talks of qualities that a leader must posses on those things which politicians or Princes must do that might either be praised or blamed in the end. He clearly differentiates the two categories in which a leader must apply specific ideologies. Machiavelli identifies the world that we live in as a kind of world of forms and which contains imperfect alternatives that are required in the world of ideas. Alwaleed seemed to recognize the world of ideas and did things that other people in the world of forms thought that they were impossible to happen. Upon his return after completion of his Master’s degree, he invested in the banking sector by purchasing shares in the United Saudi Commercial Bank. This move enabled the bank to gain enormous returns in terms of market value and also enabled the Bank to merge with Saudi Cairo Bank. His fortunes increased immensely through these risky but strategic business ventures. These elicited admirations from financial strategists across Asia and other parts of the world. Economic observers in the Saudi Kingdom and from other parts of the globe recognized his efforts and Alwaleed was thus chosen by the King as an advisor on economic matters. This enabled him improve on his unique strategic approaches to expansion of his business empire (Khan 2005). Â  Alwaleed’s character has been influenced through his grand father King Abd al-Aziz and the first prime minister of independent Lebanon who were all honest, upright and generous in their actions. They got a lot of respect and loyalty from the entire kingdom. All these characters can be displayed through his successful ventures and the ways in which he related to the people. His sudden amassment of wealth in a short period of time has led certain institutions to question the source of his wealth. According to the Economist online, Alwaleed is suspected to be a front man of other investors in the Saudi Arabian kingdom. All his sources of income are questioned and an account of his possible worth is calculated and the conclusion is that the source of his wealth is unquestionable because his business could not be in a position to accumulate such volume of wealth in a short period of time. Machiavelli’s leadership principle requires that a leader must engage in activities that may seem inappropriate, eliciting malicious interests and those that will require him to commit unethical ethics so long as it leads him to obtain success and power. What matters is the end result, the means doesn’t apply. Alwaleed was able to achieve success and power irrespective of the means he employed to achieve his success. His experience from the risky venture has enabled him to acquire riches and build business empires in addition to gaining international respect and recognition through investing in long-term projects (Machiavelli 17). Machiavelli on chapter 13 and 14 in the Online Literature Library the character of a Prince on matters concerning mercenaries and armies is discussed. They should be loyal to the ruler in fighting for the battle. In chapter 14, Machiavelli advises the prince to focus on the war and avoid other issues that pertains military matters. He should gain knowledge to enable him to maintain power stronghold throughout the battle. Prince Alwaleed was prepared in military matters after having attended King Abdul Aziz Military Academy and was prepared to lead incase he found his chance to the throne. He was therefore armed to be safe lest he is threatened by opposing forces to his power. This enabled him to gain trust from the King and thus he found a position in the cabinet and became the Kings Economic advisor. Bridging the East and Western Worlds Alwaleed fame is recognized internationally through his involvement in bridging the Arab world and the Western worlds. He has been involved in Islamic studies programs across Universities in the United States and other parts of the Globe. According to Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University, prince Alwaleed is committed to the fostering the importance of peace and tolerance. They assert that the best way to achieve this is through the bridging of the understanding between the East and the West. He is also committed in making the world a better place. He is the champion representative of UNESCO and also supports charities for children. Â  He engages in cultural activities aimed at promoting mutual understanding. The prince also has funded an educational centre at Georgetown University that aims at improving understanding between Islamic and Christian religions. Other initiatives include cross cultural educational institutions in Europe, Africa and the Middle-East. This shows a connection with the qualities of a leader cited by Machiavelli. On generosity and miserliness, a leader is supposed to spend excess amounts of his fortune on things that will improve or heighten his publicity but by doing so keep in mind the consequences that might befall him in the event that his fortune dwindles (Machiavelli 14). Chapter 18 tells the things that a politician must do which concerns his faith. Alwaleed has been able to extend his religion to the western world through funding foundations that touch on his Islamic religion. In this chapter Machiavelli asserts that private morality should prevail over public life and in order to be successful, praise must come from other human beings even if it means doing things are wrong in different perspectives. Rulers must therefore be generous in utilizing their wealth and appear tough on running their businesses even if it means using cruelty. He has stood strong on his word of Bridging the east and west and has stood strong in his faith.